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About me

Hi, and welcome to my site, Story Chaps. My full name is Wendy-Lee but you may call me Wendy (I'd prefer it). Because I love to read and write and oddly enough, jot down notes about my favorite kind of names or even just the beginning and endings of the stories/summaries that I come up with. I also happen to write down every name of ever Anime/manga characters as a way of keeping my memory going.


I originally wanted to be an artist but seeing the way the economy chooses what is art and what is not, I decided not to pursue my artful ways. I mean, if you heard someone bought a big, blue block for $3 million, wouldn't you scratch your head? I did.


Well I did so I backed away and now look at my art as mostly a hobby I like to do in my spare time. I'm also very interested in doing Text Styles for Photoshop. I give those out on my DeviantArt page.


And here I am, creating a site and hoping one day to be a published author for my own book and if not, I can be satisfied with just having people actually read what I write. I already have a live journal but it wouldn't be the same to edit any posts or even the color that you can see as a background.


To start your browsing and curiosity, use the menu on the left and explore to your heart's content.



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